I-fork spade terminal ye-spade wire wiri wiri wiri wiri yocingo 22-16/6-14
Ubushushu Shrink Bullet Hungd Hings Awg22-10 I-Wire ye-Bire ye-Bluelel Blue
I-6 ye-OWG SCOW FIORY GERNAL Bioctor yeTyctoct ikhithi yeThemisi, i-80a Qhagamshela i-Wiring Twial, inyibilikisi yokuqhekeza ngokukhawuleza
Ubushushu Shrink i-rinter i-purminals-ubushushu Shrick Wire Dopper # 10,1 / 4 ", 3 / 8-16 12-16 12-16 12-16 12-16 12-16 12-16 12-16 12-16 12-16"
Ulwimi olunxantang the the the the the the thebolow hlum yomqhubi weHole Hollight Onrel Tsinal
I-6 × 1/4 I-OWG Gauge Potitals yebhetri ye-lithium okanye ibhetri ye-AGM ekhokelela kwi-bolt ezantsi okanye i-studs ye-M10 okanye 3/8 "-16
I-3m Scotchlok Umbane we-IDC 905-Pouch, uqhuba kabini okanye ucofe, ubomvu, u-22-18 awg (i-18-14 awg (Run)
Ubushushu Shrink Hook spack spack spilies wire windows terminal terminal terminal ye-terminal ye-rineds i-tined rinet, i-12-10-16,22-16,22-16,22-16
I-22-18 18-16 12-10 I-Gage Nylon Flag Spag Spag Spaight Storights Actrical StoryStual Actrattal Studing Startment Studing Startment Settattaltatment Studing Startment Setcht